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The Powerful Novel Generator by AI

1. Introduction Do you want to write a novel to sell on Amazon with KDP but don’t know how to start? I think maybe you will try to ask AI for help with that! But as you know, there are many limitations for AI to generate novel, actually, this is not easy to do if...

How to Use Runtime Messages in Core

1. Introduction When you are creating the APIs, you should need to handle many messages and return them to the client, for example, if there is an error or can’t find the data, you need to return the corresponding messages, you can hardcode these messages in the API functions, but just thinking about if your...

How to use implicit animations in Flutter

How to use implicit animations in Flutter  1. Introduction Many widgets can help manage the animation in Flutter, and these widgets can be called implicit animation widgets. So the implicit animation widget starts with Animated in Flutter. These are pre-programmed animations where you don’t need to write the animation code yourself. Instead, you only need...

How to support multiple appsettings in 8

1. Introduction Most of time, we need to publish a .Net Core project to difference environment with corresponding configuration, so we should something config files like below appsettings.uat.json appsettings.demo.json by default, .Net program only get the configuration value from appsettings.json, so how can we read the specified configuration from these files? and how...

Use Drift for ORM in Flutter

1. Introduction Drift is a powerful database library for Dart and Flutter applications. To support its advanced capabilities like type-safe SQL queries, verification of out database and migrations, it uses a builder and command-line tooling that runs at compile-time.

Use the powerful theme framework in GetX

1. Introduction FlexColorScheme is a very powerful theme framework for Flutter, there is complete documentation and tutorials, and there are many existing themes that can be used, you also can design your theme online. FlexColorScheme is at its core an advanced ThemeData factory. It makes customization of ThemeData simpler. It does not expose everything you...

How to listen the app lifecycle event after Flutter 3.13

1. What’s the App lifecycle state in Flutter? In Flutter, there are several lifecycle events that you can listen to in order to handle different states of your app, but today, we will discuss the didChangeAppLifecycleState events. This event is triggered whenever the app’s lifecycle state changes. The possible states are resumed, inactive, paused, detached...
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