How to create an internal HTTP server via Flutter for uploading file

1. Introduction

If you want to let user upload files to the app through the browser on their computer, you can create an internal HTTP server with Flutter. This function is very useful, for example, if your app is just for watching videos or playing music offline, users can upload whatever they want.

2. Just do it

There are many issues we need to handle, but for now, I will only describe several main issues in this article, don’t worry, I will also provide the complete project’s source code at the end:

Ok, let’s solve the below main issues:

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1) Create the HTTP server

We can use HttpServer to create the HTTP server and use bind method to set the IP and port

final s = await HttpServer.bind(address, port);

and listen to the request to handle any accesses


 _handleReq(HttpRequest request) async {

But the next question is how can we get the IP address and pass it to the HttpServer ?

We can list all existing networks with NetworkInterface and filter the IP address type with IPv4

for (var interface in await NetworkInterface.list()) {
  for (var addr in interface.addresses) {
    if (addr.type == InternetAddressType.IPv4) {
      currentIP = addr.address;

but you will find that maybe there is more than one IP address in the list and only one is correct, so we also need to filter the IP starting with 192 to make sure this is the correct internal IP. This is working well in Android, but in iOS, maybe there is not only one IP start with 192, so we also need to check the network interface’s name whether is start with en, so the codes should be as below

 for (var interface in await NetworkInterface.list()) {
  for (var addr in interface.addresses) {
    if (addr.type == InternetAddressType.IPv4 &&
        (Platform.isIOS ?'en') : 1 == 1) &&
        addr.address.startsWith('192')) {
      currentIP = addr.address;

2) Run the HTML files in HTTP server

We will put the HTML files in the server for the frontend layout, so we need to handle how to resolve the HTML files. You can put the HTML website in asset folder and update the pubspec.yaml

    - assets/
    - assets/webserver/
    - assets/webserver/css/
    - assets/webserver/fonts/
    - assets/webserver/js/

the HTML webserver folder structure is as below:


and then create a Map object to save the requested HTML files

import 'dart:typed_data';

class AssetsCache {
  /// Assets cache
  static Map<String, ByteData> assets = {};

  /// Clears assets cache
  static void clear() {
    assets = {};

Based on the above code, we need to handle the listen even with _handleReq function:

first, get the request URL for the current access file

_handleReq(HttpRequest request) async {
    String path = request.requestedUri.path.replaceFirst('/', '');

the above code will get the current access file from the URL. For example the link is below:

first request url:
second request url:

the first request path value will be index.html, and the second request path value will be js/index.js, so we can create a _loadAsset function to handle it, the function will return the actual request file from webserver folder:

Future<ByteData> _loadAsset(String path) async {
    if (AssetsCache.assets.containsKey(path)) {
      return AssetsCache.assets[path]!;

    if (_rootDir == null) {
      // print('path=============');
      // print(join(assetsBasePath, path));
      ByteData data = await rootBundle.load(join(assetsBasePath, path));
      return data;

    if (await Directory(_rootDir.path).exists()) {}

    debugPrint(join(_rootDir.path, path));
    final f = File(join(_rootDir.path, path));
    return (await f.readAsBytes()).buffer.asByteData();

and respond the file on client side

final data = await _loadAsset(path);

request.response.headers.add('Content-Type', '$mime; charset=utf-8');

after that, you should access your HTML website in the HTTP server.

3) Upload the file from HTML to Flutter

You can use any ajax method to upload the file from the client, but for my case, I use the jquery file upload plugin, I would not show the details for the client side, just show you the core codes for how to handle in server side (Flutter).

After using ajax to post the file to the server for uploading, we can get the file in flutter by MimeMultipartTransformer

var transformer = MimeMultipartTransformer(

var bodyStream = transformer.bind(request);

//get the file object
await for (var part in bodyStream) {

  if (isFirstPart) {
    isFirstPart = false;
  } else {
    //because we want to support the larger file, so need to split the file into many chunks for uploading, so need to remove other chunks' content-dispostion and just keep one should be ok
  var fileByte =
      await part.fold<List<int>>(<int>[], (b, d) => b..addAll(d));
  if (fileByte.length > 1) {
    //just need to handle not zero size file chunk
    await Future.delayed(;

and then return the uploading status

final response = {
  'message': 'File uploadeding',
  ..statusCode = HttpStatus.ok
  ..headers.contentType = ContentType.json

you can find more detailed codes here

3. Using the internal_http_server package

Alright, if you don’t want to code yourself, you can just use my internal_http_server package 🙂

3.1 Install the package

add the below into your pubspec.yaml

internal_http_server: ^0.0.3

3.2 Create the HTTP server

You need to create the server below

InternalHttpServer server = InternalHttpServer(
    title: 'Testing Web Server',
    address: InternetAddress.anyIPv4,
    port: 8080,
    logger: const DebugLogger(),

3.3 Setup the description in your web server

You can set some descriptions in your web server, which will let users know what they can do or how they can do it with your server, for example, you want to let users upload the files

final String server_description = ''' Description:
            You can put your <strong>webserver</strong> description here 
          It's support any <strong style='color:red'>HTML</strong>, you can describe what you want to say

        How to use:
          <li>1. You can drag and drop the file here or click the 'Upload File' button  to upload</li>
          <li>2. It's support larger file</li>
          <li>3. You can upload multiple files once time</li>


3.4 Create the start and stop server method

It needs to create the start and stop methods for the server

startServer() async {
  server.serve().then((value) {
    setState(() {
      isListening = true;
      buttonLabel = 'Stop';

stopServer() async {
  server.stop().then((value) {
    setState(() {
      isListening = false;
      buttonLabel = 'Start';

You can create a button to start and stop the server

  child: Text(buttonLabel),
  onPressed: () {
    if (isListening) {
    } else {

also, you need to let the user know the IP address of your web server, so you should get the device IP as below and show the IP in your APP, use the NetworkInterface to get the current network in the device

Future<String> getCurrentIP() async {
  // Getting WIFI IP Details
  String currentIP = '';
  try {
    for (var interface in await NetworkInterface.list()) {
      for (var addr in interface.addresses) {
            'Name: {}  IP Address:{addr.address}  IPV4: {InternetAddress.anyIPv4}');
        if (addr.type == InternetAddressType.IPv4 &&
            addr.address.startsWith('192')) {
          currentIP = addr.address;
  } catch (e) {
  // print('currentIP========:currentIP');
  return currentIP;

After that, you should show the IP for the user like the below screen

and access the IP from the PC browser, you will find the website below, you can drag and drop the file to upload it

In the end, you can find the complete example here.

4. Conclusion

If you want to create the internal HTTP server in your app, there are still many technical issues that need to be solved, so I created a package for that, you can easily and for free to use, but I think there are still many things need to enhance of the package, grateful if you would help to enhance it 🙂


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